
Chapter One :Chapter 1

On a private island overseas.

Inside a house resembling a castle.



This suggestive sound came from Chen Fan's mouth.

"You rascal, could you be a little quieter?" scolded a woman's voice, filled with playful annoyance, from within the house.

Her chiding only seemed to encourage Chen Fan, who far from being quieter, actually grew louder instead.

The slurping noise only got louder.

"What can I do, Aunt He? This is just too delicious!" said Chen Fan, his voice muffled by the food in his mouth.

At this moment, the stunningly beautiful Aunt He, clad in a pair of black silk stockings, showcasing her long and slender legs, emerged.

With a coquettish look in her eyes, she gently reprimanded Chen Fan.

With the last bite of his noodles finished, Chen Fan's eyes sparkled as he watched Aunt He. "Aunt He, how come you look even younger as you age!"

"You rascal, you really take after your grandfather!" Seeing the spark in Chen Fan's eyes, Aunt He chuckled and said, "Now that you're done eating, hurry back to China and find your wife!"

"Wife? Where in China do I have a wife?" asked Chen Fan, who had just finished his noodles, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Your grandfather arranged it for you. He said it's all been settled and you can go there directly for the marriage registration and wedding night," said Aunt He, covering her mouth and giggling.

"Apply for the marriage license and spend our first night together? Does the old man really let me leave the Middle East and return to China?" Much doubt clouded Chen Fan's eyes as he raised his brow and looked at the stunningly beautiful mature woman, Aunt He.

The beautiful mature woman called Aunt He, sauntered across the room with her long legs encased in black lace, returning a moment later with a white jade hand, holding identification and a plane ticket.

"Here is your Chinese ID, and then there's a plane ticket for eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

Chen Fan looked at the ID and ticket with incredulity, scrutinizing them carefully. His thorough inspection was not for nothing; he needed to ascertain the authenticity of the documents.

He wouldn't want to be tricked by the old man again. While Chen Fan wasn't afraid of danger per se, he despised unnecessary trouble.

He had always wanted to return to China, and despite asking the old man's permission repeatedly, each time he would promptly consent verbally, only to give him a fake ID and plane ticket. As if that was not enough, the old man even went as far as contacting the mercenaries, leaking information about Chen Fan.

Who was Chen Fan? He was the epic king of the mercenary world.

To kill Chen Fan, the epic king of mercenaries, and become the new king of mercenaries was a task every mercenary aspired to accomplish. Why, you ask? Because apart from gaining immense fame and a higher status, the mercenary who accomplished the task would see a substantial rise in their worth in the mercenary world.

The unveiling of Chen Fan's information by the old man implied evident consequences. The result was an endless manhunt initiated by the entire mercenary world.

"Don't worry, kiddo. This time it's real. I bought this ticket. This ID is also real and they were both handled by Aunt He!" Aunt He said in a pampering tone, lifting her dainty hand and gently tapping on Chen Fan's forehead with her index finger.

The old man was cunning. If those documents had been prepared by the old man, Chen Fan would definitely turn around and leave. He would never trust the sudden benevolence of the old man.

But Aunt He had always been kind to him since he was a child, and she had never deceived him. So among all, Chen Fan trusted the words of Aunt He the most.

After Aunt He introduced him to some information about his fiancée, Chen Fan was quick to grab the ticket and the ID in his hand.

"Haha finally, I can return to China!"

The next day was a sunny one, with not a cloud in the sky.

On a plane flying to China.

"Those breasts must be at least a 36D. Tsk, tsk, and she's a Chinese girl, too! Not to mention these long legs, these breasts, this face... I bet she could rival Aunt He when she was young!"

Chen Fan, who had shaved his hair into a buzz cut and wore a black baseball cap, was lecherously admiring the attractive lady sitting next to him. After spending several years abroad and being used to the Western women, seeing such a Chinese beauty was definitely a pleasure to his eyes.

Despite his blatant leering, the pretty lady next to him noticed his lascivious gaze.

The beauty was named Li Yuyan, the president of the Li Group in Jiangnan City, China. Even though she was a woman, Li Yuyan was known as an economic genius in Jiangnan City. Her reputation was that of a talented woman in the business circles.

As the president of the Li Group, Li Yuyan has been extremely busy on regular days. On this trip, she came out to discuss a business opportunity and also decided to take a vacation, thus she didn’t bring her secretary. However, just after she finished the business negotiation and was about to find a beautiful place to relax, she was summoned back home by her father. Her father said that he found a fiancé for her over the phone. This time she was supposed to go back and finish the wedding with this fiancé she had never met.

Joking. What age is this? Are there still arranged marriages and engaged fiancés?

As an economic genius, Li Yuyan naturally has her own independent pursuit of love and marriage. Her father arranged this without her consent, which made her uncomfortable. They had never even met before, and yet they were engaged. It was preposterous. So she intended to use work as an excuse not to go back. Who would have thought her father would bring out her most beloved grandfather as a threat?

Under duress, Li Yuyan had to buy a ticket for the return flight.

Li Yuyan was already furious at this time. Now, seeing a man sitting next to her looking at her breasts and long legs like a hooligan, it ignited her temper completely.

"Pervert, what are you looking at!" Li Yuyan's gaze turned icy, her head twisted around with a scolding yell.

Chen Fan, who had been in the midst of appreciating something evidently, in the face of this reprimand, instantly pulled a face and shook his head.

"Ah, what a pity. This figure, this face, could have scored a hundred, but this temper, this personality, I estimate can only muster eighty at most!"

Li Yuyan was a talented businesswoman in Jiangnan city. Both her intellect and looks were touted as the city's gems.

Li Yuyan's mood grew increasingly sour. What sort of person was this, who was brazenly eyeing her, then had the audacity to comment so rudely after having their fill of her.

"Pervert, what did you say?"

Li Yuyan scolded once again.

"Women like you should only be admired from a distance to 'benefit the eyes', so to speak. Get any closer, and this attitude and temper, nobody can endure it. You're just like a shrew!" said Chen Fan, flicking a spec of dirt off his cap nonchalantly.

A shrew?

She was the president of Li Group, a beauty with elegance and dignity wherever she went. Though her temper may have been a bit overboard today, for him to describe her as a unbearable shrew was too much.

Li Yuyan's mood was already at a low, and following that she heard Chen Fan say quite seriously, "Miss, it's not good to be like this. You need to change, otherwise, it'll be hard to find a husband in the future."

This time, Li Yuyan couldn't stand it.

When women succumb to anger, reason ceases to exist.

"None of your business, you pervert..."

After the scolding, Li Yuyan prepared to abandon her elegance and give Chen Fan, this rascal, a thorough tongue-lashing.

However, it was at this point.

A few dark-skinned men stepped forward.

Those five dark-skinned men pulled out guns straight from the baggage area, and not just any gun, but the AK47s.

In an instant, many people noticed. Those who noticed couldn't believe how these guys could bring guns onto a plane.

Among them, one of them pulled the trigger.


"Everybody, stand still! Keep calm, we're the Black Panther Mercenaries! We're hijacking this ride just to find something, we do not wish to harm you!"

The dark-skinned men fired a round and threatened loudly.

When the frightful sound of the AK47 echoed, everyone's attention was drawn over.

Facing such a drastic change, everyone began to panic instantly.

Even many scared foreign beauties started to scream.

Chen Fan, who was flirting with the beauties nearby, sensed the changes and glanced at the dark-skinned middle-aged men with a playful look.

And at the same time, he mumbled to himself, "The second-rate Black Panther Mercenaries?"

It was not easy for Chen Fan to return to China, but he ended up in a hijacking incident, hijacked by mercenaries, no less. He didn't know if he's fortunate or if it's the mercenaries who are.

At this moment, the plane had descended into chaos.

Shrieks of fear echoed on end.

The most composed person in the entire cabin was Chen Fan. However, when Chen Fan glanced at Li Yuyan, he noticed her calm demeanor amidst the chaos. She seemed much more composed compared to other passengers.

Witnessing the panic in the cabin, a few burly middle-aged men in black, one of them quickly pulled the trigger several times, simultaneously uttering threats in an intimidating tone.

"Anyone who doesn't stay quiet will find themselves on the wrong end of my gun!"

His threat was effective, and the cabin quietness regained slightly.

Following this, a man who appeared to be the leader of the few swarthy middle-aged men stepped forward.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our mission is very simple. One of you attended an auction yesterday and won a stone called the Kunlun Stone. We only want that stone!"

"I hope that the person among you who has it will surrender it honestly!"

The leader's face hardened. "Don't even think about taking chances, we the Black Panther Mercenaries never give up once we've accepted a mission!"

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